Stray Home is a short film and an exploration of the reality in which the world was torn into during the COVID-19 global pandemic. This moment of crisis is intensifying the polarization of people and the state, misinformation is institutionally spread by my Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro and the overall system is going towards a failure; we are forced to live with negligent decision-makers.
Stray Home is a study on these themes. The works of Marshall McLuhan (the concept of the Global Village) and Nam June Paik (the electronic manipulation of imagery as means of media and political criticism) served as a major influence for this work. Errors are introduced in the video chain, either at the video signal or by capturing images on a tube TV while changing shutter speeds on the camera and so on. A collection of quotes and footages from political leaders is sequentially corrupted, recaptured and merged with a human-like character, forced to walk among these errors. Misinformation encoded in data transmission is key in a post-truth world.
Luca Tornato was born in São Paulo, Brazil. “Repurpose” is a word that holds great meaning to him, and a concept that is widely reflected in his artistic production. His creative process entails a dialogue with the machines he uses, giving them the possibility of dreaming, thereby elevating them from their merely functional purpose. With a background in electrical engineering, and heavily influenced by expanded cinema and early computer graphics, he hoards old analog video equipment giving them a second and final chance to create videoart, oscillographics and installations. Now studying a bachelor's in ArtScience at KABK, The Hague, he is usually seen scavenging tube TVs around school and occasionally VJing. His portfolio can be seen on Instagram at @lucatorsera. Luca has previously exhibited installationist pieces and performed in The Hague (NL), Aalborg (DK), Glasgow (UK) and São Paulo (BR).