I screen,
You Screen...

I Screen, You Screen… is an online curatorial intervention that proposes the presentation of works authored by various artists, one work at a time, over the next weeks.

The theme of the intervention reflects the current state of isolation and alienation caused by the pandemic and aims to give a response with the means of art to this situation, while looking for viable alternatives in the online environment. The main stake is, therefore, the exploration of multiple ways of using the Internet not as a simple communication platform, but as an ecosystem that provides both the conceptual vocabulary and the mechanisms of artistic production, dissemination and interaction.

The works included in this selection are different in terms of genre, approach and technology, from video to digital animation and interactive platforms, all of them providing a unique combination between audacious conceptual approaches, playful articulations and intelligent visual constructions.

The common denominator of these works is, of course, the screen, used and understood not only as an interface, but as an extension of one’s sensorium and mental experience. The screen in the first-person, the screen which has recently become more and more the only area of interference with the other.

Long Story Short

2018. Video, 33:15 min

Kinema ikon (RO)

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The first six months of Nothing

2020 – ongoing. Video 29:40 min (work in progress)

Alan Smith

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2020 – ongoing. Interactive website animation in progress.

Saint Machine (RO)

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Stray Home

2020. Video, 05:56 min, written, directed and sonified by Luca Tornato.


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The highest common mortal, suddenly

2020. Video, 01:00 min, in loop. Photo credit: Museo Prado, Madrid.


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When I want to breath fresh air, I open the window

2016. Video, 05:00 min.


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Static Flow – Project in Isolation

2020. Digital animation online.


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Earth perspectives

2020. Interactive website. Part of the Serpentine Galleries’ Back to Earth project

Olafur Eliasson (DK/ISL)

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