Help us keep ARTA cinema alive, one of the oldest active cinemas in the country. You can support the activity of ARTA cinema either through direct donations or by redirecting the 3,5% of the income tax.
During this difficult time, your donation is more important than ever!
Thank you.
Asociația ARTA în dialog
Cod înregistrare fiscală (C.I.F.) 30088773
Cont: RO63RNCB0073127025390001
Banca: Banca Comercială Română
Every year you can choose to redirect the 3,5% of your income tax to your favorite organization by filling out the 230 form.
The form filled out with the data of our association, Art in Dialogue, can be downloaded and filled out online at:
In order to submit it, you have two options, whichever is more convenient to you: